Thursday, September 27, 2012

Napping and The Rest of Your Life

I learned the other day that Mt. Everest is 25,029 feet tall.
And I thought…
That’s frickin tall.
And people dedicate huge chunks of their lives to climb this behemoth.  They sacrifice time, energy, money, and probably a lot more just for the opportunity to tackle that frosty temptress of adventurers.
And I think…
What sort of fulfillment would that provide me?  I don’t mean to be derogatory – I’m actually curious.
Because it seems that one of the hardest things to do in life is commit to something.  What if you commit to the wrong thing?  What else could you have done with that time that may have been more fulfilling or worth-while?
A nap sounds so good… it’s like the bed is a magnet…
But I should get some work done…
But sleeeeeeeep…
…Actually fuck it.  I’m hungry. 
(That was an example of my mind debating with itself, in case that wasn’t clear)
What is the best way to spend our time?  The day-to-day isn’t so hard when compared with the REST OF OUR LIVES.  What a frightening thought. 
I heard about this man who traveled the world for thirty years.  His wife died and he decided to uproot and simply GO.  Go explore, experience, live in a way rarely even considered as a possibility by the rest of us.  He had a backpack and… well, that was pretty much it. 
And I thought… what a beautiful way to live.  But then I wondered if I would actually be fulfilled by such a lifestyle.  What creates fulfillment?  Money?  Success?  Friends?  Love?  Fame?
But it occurs to me that the only thing that really matters is happiness.  If you are truly happy, you must be doing something right.
That being said… if your life’s ambition is to be a serial rapist, and you know that will make you happiest out of anything else… you probably shouldn’t exist.  Go die.  Or better yet, climb Mt. Everest.  One in four die trying, and hopefully Karma will give those odds a little boost for you.

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