Thursday, November 8, 2012

C'mon, Middle Schoolers, Where Are The Flying Cars??

The younger generation is scary.  When I was 10, 11, 12, I didn’t even have a cell phone.  I was scarcely going online (granted, dial up wasn’t super fun to deal with) My dad would type my papers for me because I didn’t know how (maybe I was a little younger for that last one… or maybe not…)
Now kids are becoming so technologically advanced at such a fast rate I’m not sure what schools are actually going to be able to teach them that they haven’t already figured out.

And it’s interesting to see the behavior of one generation compared to another: Our grandparents typically go about their days more slowly; this is neither a positive or negative thing, it’s just a thing.  They may get less done, but they can focus on one thing without becoming distracted fifteen seconds into it.  The new generation (and our generation included – that is: all of us in our early twenties and such) has the attention span of

We might get a shit ton done in a day, assuming we aren’t high and watching cartoons for fifteen hours (and with Halo 4 out and COD coming out next week, let’s be honest and acknowledge that the level of male productivity in colleges is going to decline suuuuuuper suddenly), but how often do we actually completely absorb what we read or do?  Personally, I have trouble doing one thing for a prolonged period of time at all.  A movie in one sitting?! You make funny joke. ßBorat voice
That’s one reason I format these things the way I do: it’s a pain to read big blocks of text; it’s as much for me as it is for you.  I don’t like reading back through giant paragraphs.



Caters to 

This generation’s



Uncontrollable ADD habits.

Maybe I have mentioned this before, but I would be SHOCKED if I didn’t have ADD.  The other day I was on the bike in the gym, listening to DnB music (fast, aggressive stuff), and reading something for one of my Lit classes… WHY.  You should see me edit one of these things; I don’t think I’ve ever read one straight through without jumping around at least once.  

But it makes sense.  You go on any website, and you can see why the generations behave so differently.  THER ARE SO MANY THINGS TO CLICK ON AND LOOK AT AND COLORS AND 

Yeah.  Older generations didn’t have that overstimulation.

So, whenever I can, I try to appreciate life’s simple little things.  At least once a day I make myself play guitar and think of NOTHING ELSE.

Which lasts about three minutes before I play Halo.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. to me it sounds like your playing guitar is almost a form of meditation:
